first blog
Truong Bui
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This is my first website, a project I've had pending for quite a while since I first started my journey into programming. I hope you will be happy when you read it
What I learned
I've learned many things while building my website. Even though I'm a web developer, there are some things I've never used before, such as Google Analytics, web tracking, sitemap.xml, robots.txt, etc. I plan to create a post in the future to explain in detail what I've learned while building this website.
What tools I used
- Github pages - Host
- 11ty - Static site generator
- TailwindCSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- Inter Font - The Inter typeface family
- JetBrains Mono Font - The JetBrains typeface family
- Google Analytics - Website analytics
- Goat Counter - Website analytics without tracking of personal data
- ChatGPT - Correct my grammar
and various other tools